Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering | Regents Professor | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Professor, Computer Science | Endowed Professor, Kenneth VonBehren
Marwan Krunz [S’93, M'95, SM'04, F’10] is Regents Professor and the Kenneth Von-Behren Endowed Professor in ECE at the University of Arizona. He is the center director for BWAC, a multi-university NSF/ industry center that focuses on next-generation wireless technologies and applications. He previosuly served as the site director for the Connection One center. His research emphasis is on resource management, network protocols, and security for wireless systems. He has published more than 280 journal articles and peer-reviewed conference papers, and is a co-inventor on several patents. He is an Arizona Engineering Faculty Fellow and was an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer (2013–2015). He received the NSF CAREER award. Currently, he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. He previously served as an Editor for numerous IEEE journals. He was TPC Chair for IEEE INFOCOM'04, SECON'05, WoWMoM'06, and Hot Interconnects 9. He was the General Vice-Chair for WiOpt 2016 and General Co-Chair for WiSec'12.